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Apply for Membership

designing women has grown over the years to include many women in New England. Our jury system has evolved into one that works very well in sustaining a core group while including new, fresh artists and their work. Each show includes members, guests, and new invited guests.


Current members please note- if you are working in a new category (i.e.- juried for woven clothing, now making rugs or juried for pottery now making jewelry) you must go through the application process again.

As an organization, we strive to provide the best selling environments for our members. With over 90 members and 5 shows, we feel it necessary to limit the amount of members in any one category. We strongly urge anyone intending to apply for membership in the categories of jewelry and fiber to look at our current members in those areas. We are all unique artists but we have similarities. If you feel your work is significantly different than any jeweler or fiber artist who exhibits with us, please do apply. However, in our effort to serve our members best, we will be very diligent in our decision making process in those areas. We are all appreciative of this effort.


If you are interested in exhibiting at our shows, Please apply. We now keep our application open all year with two deadlines- January 15 and June 15. You must have your application in before those dates to be included. Our application is online. Once you fill it out, including photos, click the Submit button. We will receive everything. There is a $25. non-refundable application fee that must be paid before your application will be considered. Some categories may be closed to membership but still open for Invited Guests. Meanwhile, please attend one of our shows so that you can be comfortable your work will fit within our guidelines.


Janice Jones

We do realize that many are not interested in membership until they experience a show for themselves so we have added a simple application process for a show only. If you would like to try a show, look at our FAQ page for exhibitors here. 


Our application for next year is available now. Please note the deadline for applying to be juried is December 31, 2019. Our jury meets in February.

PLEASE NOTE: our jury process has changed. We now keep our application open all year with two deadlines- January 15 and June 15. You must have your application in before those dates to be included in the next jury.

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